Nisha Mehta, MD
Aug 11, 2018
Physician Life: The Remodel
Just like choosing to be a physician, it has to start with WHY. Then create a blueprint.

Nisha Mehta, MD
Jun 20, 2018
Tips for Graduating Physicians
My (sometimes solicited, but often unsolicited) advice for graduating medical students, residents, and fellows.

Nisha Mehta, MD
May 6, 2018
How Do We Keep Women Physicians in Medicine?
At what point do we make it just too hard to stay in medicine? As we consider the rising physician burnout rate as well as the rising physi

Nisha Mehta, MD
Feb 26, 2018
Physicians: What do you want?
The importance of reflection, thinking outside the box, and taking action to create the life in medicine that you want.

Nisha Mehta, MD
Dec 30, 2017
Nisha Mehta, MD: My WHY
Like my life in medicine, my WHY is always evolving. At the core, I'm committed to talking about life in medicine and fostering physici